The BRICS Gold Train is Leaving the Station: Destination Revalue Road


Discover how BRICS nations are reshaping the gold market with strategic gold accumulation, challenging the Federal Reserve, and influencing global gold prices.

The global gold market is witnessing a significant shift, spearheaded by the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This article delves into the implications of their strategic gold accumulation, the challenges faced by the Federal Reserve, and the broader impact on global financial markets.

Overview of BRICS Nations

Who are the BRICS Nations?

The BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—represent a coalition of emerging economies with significant influence on global economics. These countries collaborate on various fronts to enhance economic growth and stability.

Economic Influence of BRICS

BRICS nations account for a substantial portion of the world’s population and GDP. Their coordinated actions can profoundly impact global trade, finance, and commodity markets, including precious metals like gold.

Historical Context of BRICS in the Global Economy

Since their formation, the BRICS nations have sought to create a multipolar world order, reducing the dominance of Western economies. Their strategic moves, including in the gold market, reflect this ambition.

The Role of Gold in Global Economics

Historical Importance of Gold

Gold has been a cornerstone of global economics for centuries, valued for its rarity and stability. It has historically been used as a standard for currency and a hedge against economic uncertainty.

Gold as a Safe Haven Asset

Gold is often seen as a haven during economic turmoil. Investors flock to it to preserve value, driving up its price during market instability.

Central Banks and Gold Reserves

Central banks worldwide hold significant gold reserves as part of their financial strategy, using them to back their currencies and stabilize their economies.

BRICS Strategy in Gold Accumulation

China’s Aggressive Gold Buying

China has been particularly aggressive in accumulating gold, viewing it as undervalued. This strategy is part of a broader effort to hedge against geopolitical risks and enhance financial stability.

Russia’s Gold Reserves

Russia, too, has been bolstering its gold reserves, using gold as a tool to shield its economy from international sanctions and economic fluctuations.

India, Brazil, and South Africa’s Approach

While less aggressive than China or Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa have also increased their gold holdings, recognizing the long-term benefits of such an investment.

Implications of the BRICS Gold Strategy

Impact on Global Gold Prices

The BRICS nations’ accumulation of gold has driven up global prices. As these countries continue to buy gold, they exert upward pressure on prices, affecting international markets.

Shift Toward a Gold-Backed Currency

There is speculation that BRICS nations might move towards creating a gold-backed currency, challenging the dominance of the US dollar in international trade.

Challenges to the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve’s strategy of gold suppression faces significant challenges as BRICS nations increase their gold reserves, undermining efforts to control gold prices.

Federal Reserve’s Gold Suppression Strategy

Historical Overview

The Federal Reserve has historically attempted to manage gold prices to support the dollar and control inflation. This strategy involves various financial instruments and market interventions.

Current Tactics and Their Efficacy

The Federal Reserve uses tactics like futures contracts to influence gold prices. However, these methods become less effective as BRICS nations continue their gold-buying spree.

Future of the Federal Reserve’s Strategy

The future of the Federal Reserve’s gold suppression strategy needs to be determined. As BRICS nations accumulate more gold, the Fed may reconsider its approach.

Market Movements and Gold Price Trends

Recent Trends in Gold Prices

Recent months have seen substantial increases in gold prices, driven by strategic buying from central banks and geopolitical uncertainties.

Factors Influencing Gold Prices

Several factors influence gold prices, including central bank policies, investor sentiment, and macroeconomic conditions.

Predictions for Future Movements

Gold prices are expected to remain volatile, with the potential for further increases as BRICS nations continue their strategic accumulation.

Technical Analysis of Gold and Silver Markets

Gold Market Footprints

Analyzing market footprints reveals significant buying activity in gold, particularly by central banks and large financial institutions.

Silver Market Dynamics

The silver market, often influenced by gold trends, has also seen significant movements. Market analysts are closely monitoring key resistance levels.

Key Support and Resistance Levels

Identifying key support and resistance levels is crucial for predicting future price movements in both gold and silver markets.

Central Bank Strategies and Market Stability

Central Bank Bidding Strategies

Central banks are placing substantial bids under the market, supporting gold prices and ensuring market stability.

Market Manipulations

Recent attempts to manipulate gold and silver markets have highlighted the vulnerabilities and the need for stricter oversight and regulation.

Maintaining Market Stability

Maintaining stability in the gold market requires careful management of bids, market interventions, and monitoring of global economic conditions.

Liquidity Conditions and Market Manipulations

Analysis of Liquidity Conditions

Liquidity conditions play a crucial role in market stability. In illiquid markets, price manipulations become more feasible, impacting gold and silver prices.

Impact of Market Manipulations

Market manipulations can lead to significant volatility, affecting investor confidence and market dynamics.

Measures to Counteract Manipulations

Implementing measures to counteract market manipulations, including regulatory oversight and transparency initiatives, is essential for maintaining fair and stable markets.

The Future of Gold and Silver Markets

Predictions for Gold Prices

The future of gold prices looks promising, with continued accumulation by central banks and increasing demand from investors.

Predictions for Silver Prices

Silver prices are also expected to rise, influenced by trends in the gold market and industrial demand.

Long-Term Outlook for Precious Metals

The long-term outlook for precious metals remains strong, with ongoing economic uncertainties and strategic buying by central banks supporting high prices.


The BRICS nations’ strategic accumulation of gold is reshaping the global gold market, challenging the Federal Reserve, and influencing global financial stability. As these nations continue their efforts, the future of the gold market looks promising, with significant implications for international economics.


What is the significance of BRICS in the gold market?

BRICS nations are significantly influencing the gold market through their strategic accumulation of gold, driving up prices and challenging traditional market dynamics.

How does China’s gold strategy affect global markets?

China’s aggressive gold buying strategy impacts global markets by increasing demand and driving up prices, signaling a shift towards valuing gold as a financial asset.

What challenges does the Federal Reserve face regarding gold?

The Federal Reserve needs help maintaining its gold suppression strategy. The abundant gold buying by BRICS nations is undermining its efforts to control gold prices.

Why are gold prices important for central banks?

Gold prices are crucial for central banks. Gold is a reserve asset, providing financial stability and a hedge against economic uncertainties.

How do liquidity conditions impact gold and silver prices?

Liquidity conditions significantly impact gold and silver prices. In illiquid markets, prices are more susceptible to manipulations and volatility.

What future trends are expected in the gold and silver markets?

Future trends in the gold and silver markets include continued price increases due to central banks’ strategic buying and ongoing economic uncertainties.

Kinesis Money Review – BRICS GOLD Train Leaving the Station – Destination Revalue Rd. – LFTV Ep 169


In this episode of “Live From the Vault,” Andrew Maguire discusses the evolving dynamics of the gold market, focusing on the influence of BRICS countries. The conversation highlights these nations’ strategic accumulation of gold and its impact on the Federal Reserve’s market strategies. Maguire is joined by guest host Craig Hemp, who provides insights and poses critical questions about recent market movements and future trends.

Market Overview

Recent Market Movements

The episode begins with an overview of recent gold and silver price movements. Since the last episode recorded on April 3rd, gold prices have increased significantly by approximately $150 as of April 17th. This surge has sparked interest and questions about the factors driving these changes and the market’s future direction.

FED’s Dilemma

The Federal Reserve’s position regarding gold suppression is a key theme in the discussion. The FED faces increasing pressure to adjust its strategies due to the substantial physical gold buying by central banks, particularly those in BRICS countries. Maguire emphasizes that the FED must “fold its gold suppression hand” by the end of the second quarter to avoid further market disruptions.

BRICS Influence on the Gold Market

Strategic Accumulation by China

China’s aggressive accumulation of gold is a focal point of the episode. Maguire explains that China views gold prices below $3,000 as undervalued and is strategically increasing its reserves. This move is seen as a preparation for potential geopolitical escalations, particularly related to Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Impact on Global Markets

The actions of BRICS countries, especially China, significantly impact global gold markets. These nations are shifting towards a gold-backed currency, challenging the existing financial order dominated by the US dollar. This shift is expected to lead to a revaluation of gold prices and alter global economic dynamics.

Technical and Market Analysis

Market Corrections and Liquidity

The episode delves into the importance of market corrections to maintain stability. Maguire discusses the recent attempts by financial institutions to manipulate gold and silver prices and the role of liquidity conditions in these efforts. He highlights that strategic corrections prevent runaway price increases and ensure a stable market environment.

Central Bank Bidding Strategies

Central banks are placing substantial bids under the market, providing vital support levels for gold prices. Maguire explains that these bids are crucial in stabilizing prices and preventing excessive volatility. The strategic placement of these bids reflects the increasing importance of physical gold in global financial markets.

Future Predictions

Short-Term Outlook

In the short term, Maguire predicts that gold prices will continue to rise, driven by robust central bank demand and market dynamics. He notes that regular corrections will occur, which are necessary to prevent excessive volatility and maintain market stability.

Long-Term Implications

Looking ahead, the long-term implications of BRICS countries’ actions are profound. These nations’ introduction of a gold-backed currency is expected to challenge the dominance of the US dollar and lead to a significant revaluation of gold prices. Maguire emphasizes that this shift represents a fundamental change in global financial markets with far-reaching consequences.


The discussion in this episode underscores the pivotal role of BRICS countries in reshaping the gold market. Their strategic accumulation of gold and move towards a gold-backed currency challenge the existing financial order. The Federal Reserve is under increasing pressure to adjust its strategies in response to these developments. As BRICS nations continue to influence global markets, the implications for gold prices and the broader financial landscape are profound.


Date: May 21, 2024